And by the looks of Rihanna twitter rant

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The end game is the elimination of all civilian gun ownership, which is the only thing that stops them from wholesale implementation of EU style “progressive” government and policies. The whole anti tyranny 2nd Ammendment thing is the only thing that stops them from making the US part of their “world community”, and it drives them nuts. So they will create false crisis and scream, “the children”, “epidemic and scourge”, “reasonable compromise”, and “gun safety”, when the facts dont support it, their laws dont make sense, and they have no intention of compromising.

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As the newly amended case moved forward, on September 25, Black granted a September 19 motion by the plaintiffs to dismiss the governor and the state attorney general as defendants iphone case iphone case, and to add funeral director Robert Grunn to the lawsuit so that he could obtain clarification of his legal obligations under Ohio law when serving clients with same sex spouses iphone case, such as his client James Obergefell. Ohio Health Department Director Theodore Wymyslo was substituted as the lead defendant, and the case was restyled Obergefell v. Wymyslo.[29][30] On October 22, plaintiff John Arthur died.

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